Welcome to Skyllz
The future of Education & Recruitment.

We, humans, did a pretty good job in the first, second and third industrial revolutions. We’ve adapted to change every step of the way, developing skills, transforming our lifestyles, and conquering ever more aspects of the miracle we call social evolution.
We are now entering our fourth industrial revolution however, and we’re moving up the gears too fast. Led by robots, supercomputers, genetic engineering, IoT and self-driving cars, this new era is happening at exponential speed, impacting every single discipline, economy and industry.
If we look at the intersection of higher education and the labor market, we see that we need a completely new and specific set of skills to face the rapid changes.
That’s where we come in.
Nowadays, talent scouting and recruitment organizations focus on the empirical evidence that candidates have the skills (the “what”), know how apply them (the “how”), and the drive to do so (the “why”) [1]. Intangible human capacities to face problems, analyse solutions and work in a team are more important than ever in evolving as a professional in this fast paced environment.
The key is to create a suitable professional and personal profile that fulfills market requirements. Old-fashion, slow and non-digital procedures such as attending college, getting a degree or wasting time writing a resumé are old solutions for a new world. They just don’t cut it in today’s world.
Is it possible to create a decentralized and automated system that can operate in this new era?
We think so!
Talent: the diamond in all of us
Skills are the practical manifestation of human talent.
We shine as professionals when we align with our deepest talents [2]. This sounds pretty obvious, right? However, it is especially relevant in our current robotic, machine-learning ecosystem where jobs are being increasingly threatened by artificial intelligence. More than 10 million UK workers are at a high risk of being replaced by robots within 15 years as the automation of routine tasks gathers pace in a new machine age, according to The Guardian[3].
Until now, humans could afford to just be part of the chain,repeating tasks over and over. But in this new age, the law of evolution takes a step forward: only those brave enough to dig into their genuine talents and live according to them, will make a difference and survive the robots.
We are born with unique talents. Everyone of us. Education should focus on helping us find them and shape them in order to fit the current labor market demands.
Freeing human talents
Today, it’s difficult to stand out without the support and prestige of a great university, school or company name. But we believe human talents are powerful enough to make an impact on their own.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg are perfect examples of this. Proof of a candidate’s skills should be enough to determine their value, no matter what institution is behind them. A self-taught boy in Estonia with natural abilities for growth hacking should be able to access exactly the same job opportunities as a recent Ivy League or MBA graduate.
The blurred line between personal and professional life
In previous decades, it was a lot simpler to distinguish between you work life and your personal one.
In a world that is more connected than ever,it is almost impossible. Everything we do, learn or develop in our personal lives, in one way or another, will affect our professional identities and vice versa.
Every learning activity we do should be automatically recorded and become part of a candidate’s professional ID, whether that’s reading a whitepaper or watching a YouTube tutorial, attending an event or publishing an article on Medium. There are no limits to the skills we can showcase and put into practice from any aspect of our lives.
A new system that allows us to develop, prove, share and use our skills and talents is needed to simplify our complex and unique new ways of life.
Skyllz’s motivations
- Focus on working hard and living according to your unique talents. Forget about tracking your steps. Let the system and the community validate and showcase your skills for you.
- Don’t let institutions like universities or schools decide your value. If you fit into the labor market, you fit.
- No matter where you were born, studied or worked, you should be able to develop your talent and use it to make a living.
- Every single skill should be considered under an universal proof-of-skill protocol, making recruitment decisions fairer and easier.
- Every activity where a skill is acquired, applied or improved should be automatically recorded on a blockchain and become part of your professional ID. From watching a YouTube tutorial to leading a team. From attending to an event to publishing an article in Medium.
And that’s why we’re launching Skyllz
Introducing Skyllz
Skyllz reinvents how talent gets access to work and work gets access to talent in an open ecosystem where meritocracy, transparency and decentralization play together to disrupt status quo in talent assessment, skills certification and allocation of talent and knowledge.
In order to nurture the vision of Skyllz, a powerful ecosystem is born: the Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) — the open-source, public, blockchain-based and distributed skills validation protocol from the Skyllz project. [4]
The SDP ecosystem is fueled by two different but closely linked elements:
Proof-of-Skill, which is the reputation related to every specific skill on the SDP, is non-tradeable and handles skills validations as traceable annotations on the Ethereum Blockchain.
SKT (Skyllz tokens), an exchangeable ERC-20 compliant token that fuels the SDP ecosystem and operations within and across Skill Touchpoint applications (STapps). It enables users to participate in the ecosystem, and validate skills.

What is SKYLLZ
The Skyllz Distributed Platform (SDP) is a protocol validation of the skills of distributed and open source that allows users to validate and empower the acquisition, allocation, contextualization, and increased ability to be implicit in and around the application touchpoints Skills (STapps) such as e-learning platform, network platforms, portfolio platforms, offline educational platforms or other platforms that want to benefit and add value to the Skyllz ecosystem.
SKT aims to encourage economic and ecosystem operations that maintain core functions of decentralization and cross platform. This allows SDPs to include and reward the Assessor community (they get the SKT in return for their rankings) to comply with Power Distribution Rules and Certain Rules, and to support the Linked Impact Regulation and Positive Achievement Rules. To have a supra-platform token is required to attract current and future applications and to enable Inter-connected Impact Rule among ecosystems. SKT is the “gas” of the SDP, and is a common and exclusive token for obtaining validation and exchange rates on the SDP. Users can also obtain SKT in return for outstanding quality or performance in any STAP above SDP, empowering self-development and adhering to the Meritocracy Rules. SKT will be exchanged for STAP’s primary services (eg accessing an online course on Udemy, sponsoring a challenge at Workkola, or a premium feature on Linkedin). Strategically, the percentage of total issued Token Skyllz will be allocated for initial startup of the STAPs above the SDP and to appreciate the early adoption STAPs.
1.The Meritocracy Rule: Skyllz is designed to exclusively empower people based on their exceptional abilities and talents. It aims to enable everyone, regardless of gender, race, country of residence, or social, economic and educational background, to access, improve and develop his inner potential without external restrictions.
2. Power Rule Distribution: Qualifier Power: 3+ anonymized rating from different Rater is required to complete the overall rating that triggers a smart contract that allocates Proof-of-Skill to a predetermined skillet and, if appropriate, SKT transfer to the user. Power Decision Making: working in conjunction with the Meritocracy Regulation, all important decisions that directly impact on the Skyllz ecosystem such as, but not limited to, its partners, its appraiser, and the next milestones and governance will be decided by the Holder of Rights with the SKT Holder in a decentralized voting system. Data Ownership Strength: Annoying the monopoly of ownership of data, all data related to the Transaction-Skill and Skyllz Token are publicly accessible.
3. Uncertain Rules: Users and Valuers need to remain anonymous during the Rating Period to avoid bias and possible system validation corruption.
4.The Inter-connected Impact Rule: The entire ecosystem is intended to create and extract the value of the collaboration between all agents. Only solutions that also have a positive impact on the ecosystem as a whole will be accepted.
5. Transparency Policy: Any new skill or skill is created, and any annotations or updates of the Transaction of Evidence and SKT are recorded and publicly accessible to anyone, avoiding the ownership of data by a centralized institution.
6. Positive Achievement Policy: Skyllz wants to create a universal and evolving Human Expertise Ecosystem that replaces CVs based on individual abilities and potential. SDP only tracks the positive achievements of their users to provide incentives for sharing. It will never save an unqualified performance.
7. Rules of Changing the Game: Any solution, feature or enhancement to the SDP or the entire Skyllz ecosystem, should focus on innovation and adaptability to the market and community needs.

Given that blockchain and smart contracts are very new technological developments, competition in the field of talent tokenisasi and knowledge is very rare. Existing players — first movers — find themselves in the early stages of technology application and product / market match testing. However, the following charts map a set of “old school” players and technology-based players in the recruitment talent management industry, with a view to demonstrating a wide range of direct and indirect competition.
The Skyllz Token (SKT), a utility token related to ERC-20, allows clients to achieve and execute on the SDP. They work as a recording unit that allows clients to take interest and take approval of their transverse or transverse abilities from biological community applications.
They have made SKT Token to use the administration offered by SKYLLZ. This is the Token Compliant ERC-20. Correct ICO dates have not been announced yet, but you can follow them on various channels to get the latest updates about the organization. The group behind SKYLLZ is WORKKOLA, which is a two-year-old organization working in administrative and capacity settings.
- Tim Skyllz, really all his employees work for the benefit of the company and always ready to help in any case. They are always in touch and not forgetting. Indeed, at this time, when we talk about the ICO project, this fact is very important.
- All the prototypes created by the Skyllz developer team are in the public domain, now you can get acquainted and try this system.
- Skyllz participates in any possible crypto, forum blocking, concluding a serious contract.
Skyllz road map mainly divided into 3 main stages:
● Phase I: Development and implementation of the SkyLow protocol: SDP and SKT
● Phase II: Skyllz Beta in a controlled and closed ecosystem. Adopt Workkola to protocol as the first STAP over SDP. Initial ignition + model test + debugging + use case + security reinforcement
● Stage III: Release of Skyllz v2. Opening the protocol to a third party. Allocation 7.5% of total SKT issued to finance further development or adoption of STAPP to SDP. Early ignition of the ecosystem.
We as a whole are highly capable individuals in certain fields but need essentials in several different areas. This is a normal characteristic for society. Today, the abilities and skills of a man are estimated by the exams and examinations provided by the state. However, it is unlikely that a person changes the approximate original experience required as soon as you enter your professional and proficient life. Training has a new significance in the age of innovation that is very unique in relation to the universe Education and conventional information. Instructions of advertising innovation have turned into a controlling force in the lives of learners and friends. Determined to be 94 billion dollars by 2020, ed ed tech settings are the right way. Individuals have the opportunity to master their talents and abilities by not displaying their titles but understanding the original difficulties seen by the organization consistently. The SDP stage brings meritocracy as a convergence point of administration and usability. Enable organizations to choose the best possibility for a particular job that requests a specific range of capabilities, they change the redirect principle. With organizations continuing online registration arrangements, the market is set to reach $ 23 billion by 2020. Enable organizations to choose the best possibility for a particular job that requests a specific range of capabilities, they change the redirect principle. With organizations continuing online registration arrangements, the market is set to reach $ 23 billion by 2020. Enable organizations to choose the best possibility for a particular job that requests a specific range of capabilities, they change the redirect principle. With organizations continuing online registration arrangements, the market is set to reach $ 23 billion by 2020.
How to Friends? quite promising project from skyllz.
for that I suggest to join this project!
Visit the links below to join and get more information:
Author : Hokky darmawan
Mybitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1840810
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